A reference guide to let you know the lowest score that was accepted by each grammar school over the last 8 years!
Category: SEAG Practical Advice
Schools’ Admission Criteria
A complete guide of every school’s admission criteria in one handy place.
Classroom or Big Hall?
Using experience from last year, we can predict which grammar schools will use classrooms or large halls for the SEAG Test.
SEAG Key Dates
All the diary dates you need to be aware of for SEAG and Transfer 2024-2025.
Checking Service
Post-primary checking service –
When First & Second Preference Matters
It’s important to know if putting a school first or second may effect your chances of securing a place.
How Big Schools Allocate Places
It’s an iterative process but this explains how the form can be passed and considered by several schools.
Top Tips For Open Nights
Use these hints and tips to get the most from the open day / night.
A great opportunity to get started with The Transfer Tutor with 20% Off in the fabulous January Sale. EXTENDED for one week only!
SEAG Special Circumstances & Special Provision
If your child had a medical issue (or something else) around the time of their SEAG test and it affected their outcome, you can apply via Special Circumstances or Special Provision to ensure your child is considered fairly for a place in their chosen post-primary.
Top Tips For Test Day
Top Tips for SEAG Test Day which should make things run smoothly.
Good luck, everyone.
Top Tips To Managing Stress
Top tips and some great, practical advice to manage stress and anxiety in children.
What To Expect – Familiarisation Days
What to expect during the SEAG Familiarisation Day at the assessment centre (grammar school).
Familiarisation Days
Grammar Schools will inform you about your familiarisation day, but this handy guide will give you an idea when that’s likely to be.
SEAG Scoring
Everything you need to know about SEAG Scoring, the Statement Of Outcome (Results sheet) and what to expect.
Choosing The Best School To Sit The SEAG Test
Top tips in choosing the right school for your child to sit the SEAG tests.
Access Arrangements
Everything you need to know about SEAG Access Arrangements e.g. 25% extra time, including forms to download.
Submit SEAG Raw Scores (2024 Test)
Add Your SEAG Raw Scores To Support An Overall Analysis To Offer You An Insight & Help Future Parents.