The AQE Test

There are three things needed for the AQE tests and these are:
- Admissions Card
- 2 sharp pencils
- Rubber
And you can pop these all in a small plastic folder like this one, to get organised.

Might Be Allowed
Some centres may allow (or even provide) these additional items, but you would have been informed during the familiarisation day and letters.
- Sharpener
- Tissues – or you could pop one in their pocket
- Water – although some advise against this as it could result in the need for a toilet break
The GL Test

- Admission Card – that’s right, nothing else, just bring the admission card and the school will provide everything else, including a snack for the break in the middle.
* Please note that a number of GL centres will pick the child up at the school gate and ask the parents to leave immediately. This can be a bit of a shock to the parent and child if they are expecting a big farewell and good luck chat, so be prepared for this.
It’s Never Too Late To Learn & Have Fun
The Transfer Tutor’s Online Quizzes provide a fun and interactive way to learn and practise Maths and English questions which are directly aligned to both the AQE and GL specifications.
There are many, great features including (but not limited to):
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- ‘Hint’ option supports the child’s learning. For example, in question about calculating area of an irregular shape, the hint will say, “Break it into two” – enough to keep the child going but teaching them for future, similar questions.
- The Leaderboard at the end makes the child feel like they’re playing a game and having friendly competition.
- Good use of colour and graphics which makes it exciting.
- Parents receives a progress email at the end to let them know how their child did.
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