Thank You For Purchasing a Monthly Subscription Licence!

Welcome to The Transfer Tutor and I hope you and your child enjoy using the quizzes.

Some Useful Links

Before, we get to the registration bit, I just wanted to make you aware of some other links that you may find helpful.  For each of these links a new tab will open so this page will always be there for you to come back to and complete registration.

  • The Transfer Tutor Facebook Page – if you’re on Facebook, you will want to give this a quick Like as it is always a good source of information the quizzes, the whole process in general and a bit of fun at times.
  • The Transfer Tutor Twitter Page – follow us on Twitter for all the latest excitements.
  • AQE / GL Support Group on Facebook – this is a fantastic group of parents who share everything and ask lots of questions, so definitely a good source of information and support.

How You Heard

Market analysis is invaluable, so if you could spare a moment, would you mind completing the quick form below?

Setting Up Username & Password

Please note that the username is used in the leaderboard at the end – so you might want to keep this anonymous.


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