Tutor – Submit Details Here If you are a tutor and would like to include your details, in either the online list or the traditional group (or both) please send £30 to the group’s GoFundMe Page and then submit the form below. Online Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Personal DetailsBusiness or Contact NameContact Name *FirstLastPhone *Contact Email *Tutoring Style *1-to-1 TutoringGroup TutoringBoth 1-to-1 and group availableDescription (Max 50 Words)Price (for 1:to:1 and Group if applicable) *I can confirm I have sent £30 to the GoFundMe Page (just once for face-to-face and online):DoneGDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my information and use this information to publish details onto a public website.MessageSubmit Traditional Face To Face Tutoring Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Personal DetailsBusiness or Contact NameContact Name *FirstLastPhone *Contact Email *Website & Social MediaBusiness Website Address (Optional)Facebook AddressInstagram AddressTwitter AddressTutoring Service Details:Tutor Prepares for AQE / GL? *AQEGLBoth AQE and GLTutoring Style *1-to-1 TutoringGroup TutoringBoth 1-to-1 and group availableLocation (Closest Town) *If 1-to-1 Tutoring:Location (tick all available options) *In child's homeAt tutor's own homeBusiness premisesDistance tutor is willing to travel from location (if applicable)Please choose...5 miles10 miles15 miles20 milesN/A - Session At Tutor's LocationPrice for 1-to-1 *Duration (time) of each session *Do you currently have availability for 1-to-1 in 2020? *YesNoIf Group Tutoring:Location: *At tutor's own homeBusiness premises* How many kids in each group?Price for Group Training *Duration (time) of each session *Do you currently have availability for group tutoring in 2020? *YesNoGeneral & Summary Information:Can references be given on request? *YesNoDoes the tutor have: (tick all that apply) *InsuranceAccess NI ClearanceFirst Aid TrainingSummary Information (Max 30 Words)Listing AdminI can confirm I have sent £30 to the GoFundMe Page (link above):DoneGDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my information and use this information to publish details onto a public website.NameSubmit