According to the AQE website, the specification below covers the details of what will be and what will not be tested (which can be equally important) on the AQE test in 2022.
Without the waffle you’ll find on other sites, this is the long and short of it – what will be tested in the 2022 AQE test and what’s been removed (at the bottom).
Maths Topics That WILL BE Tested
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● read, write and order whole numbers, initially to 100 and then for any whole numbers;
● understand that the position of a digit signifies its value;
● understand place value to develop computational methods;
2 ● extend understanding of place value to include decimals, initially to one decimal place and
then up to two decimal places;
● multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100, and 1000;
3 ● estimate calculations, initially with numbers within 100 and then for all whole numbers;
● approximate numbers to the nearest 10 or 100;
● estimate and approximate to gain a feeling for the size of a solution to a problem, for
example, understand that 32 × 9 is approximately 30 × 10;
4 ● understand and use, in context, vulgar fractions and decimal fractions;
● understand the equivalence of simple fractions.
● understand the relationship between fractions and decimals.
Relationships other than those listed below will not be included in the tests:
½ = 0.5 ¼ = 0.25 ¾ = 0.75 ⅒ = 0.1 ⅓ = 0.33
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● explore and predict patterns and sequences of whole numbers including counting in
different sizes of step, doubling and halving numbers and multiplication patterns in the
hundred square;
● predict subsequent numbers in a sequence;
● follow simple sets of instructions to generate a sequence;
Questions will not be set on devising rules for determining sequences
2 ● understand and use multiples and factors;
● understand and use prime, square and cube numbers;
● appreciate that multiplication and division are inverse operations;
3 ● interpret and use simple relationships in numerical, spatial and practical situations;
● understand and use simple function machines;
4 ● understand use of a symbol to stand for an unknown number, for example, 6 + = 34.
Questions will only involve the use of whole numbers.
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● consolidate knowledge of addition and subtraction facts for whole numbers;
● know multiplication facts to 10 × 10 and use these to solve problems;
2 ● understand the four operations of number and their interrelationships;
Questions will not be set on appreciation of the use of brackets
● solve problems using a range of non-calculator methods of computation to include addition
and subtraction with up to two decimal places and multiplication and division of decimals by
whole numbers.
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● understand and use the conventional way of recording money;
● use the four operations to solve problems;
2 ● estimate and approximate to gain a feeling for the size of a solution to a problem.
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● develop skills in estimation of length, weight, volume, capacity, time, area and temperature, using metric units where appropriate;
2 ● develop the language associated with a wider range of metric units and be confident with the terms metre, gram and litre, and their relevant prefixes of kilo, centi and milli;
3 ● choose and use appropriate metric units and measuring instruments,
● interpret numbers on a range of measuring instruments;
4 ● understand the relationship between units, for example, know that kilograms and grams are used to weigh food;
● convert from one metric unit to another, for example, know that 175 cm is 1.75 m;
● use the four operations to solve problems, working with up to three decimal places, where appropriate;
Pupils will not be expected to know the Imperial units still in common use
5 ● understand concept of perimeter and calculate the perimeter of simple shapes;
● find areas by counting squares and volumes by counting cubes;
● calculate the area of simple shapes in 2 dimensions (square, rectangle and right-angled triangle only);
● calculate the volume of simple shapes in 3 dimensions (cube and cuboid only);
6 ● know the units of measurement of time and the relationship between them;
7 ● recognise times on the analogue clock, including the hour, half and quarter hours, five minute intervals and one-minute intervals;
● understand the relationship between the 12-hour and 24-hour clocks, including am and pm;
● read analogue and digital displays and understand the relationship between them;
● perform simple calculations using the 12-hour and 24-hour clocks;
8 ● know the months of the year;
● explore calendar patterns.
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● become familiar with a wide range of regular and irregular 2-D shapes;
● classify 2-D shapes through examination of angles and sides;
● recognise line symmetry in simple 2-D shapes;
Questions will not be set on recognition of rotational symmetry
● reflect shapes in horizontal and vertical lines only;
● name and describe common 2-D shapes: scalene, right-angled, equilateral and isosceles
triangles, and quadrilaterals including square, rectangle, rhombus, kite, parallelogram and
Questions will not be set on the meaning of congruence in 2-D shapes
2 ● investigate the number of faces, edges and vertices of common 3-D shapes including cubes,
cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres, triangular prisms and pyramids;
● name and describe common 3-D shapes including cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres,
triangular prisms and pyramids;
● recognise the nets of common 3-D shapes;
3 ● recognise geometrical properties and use these to solve problems.
Questions will relate only to the internal angles of triangles and quadrilaterals.
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● use ¼ turns, ½ turns and whole turns to understand the notion of angle in the context of
● find right angles in 2-D and 3-D shapes;
● understand clockwise and anticlockwise;
● know the eight points of the compass;
2 ● develop the language associated with line and angle, including vertical, horizontal, perpendicular, parallel, acute, obtuse and reflex;
3 ● recognise properties of acute, obtuse and reflex angles, for example, know that an acute angle is less than a right angle and that a reflex angle is greater than two right angles;
4 ● investigate angles in triangles, including scalene, right-angled, equilateral and isosceles, and quadrilaterals including square, rectangle, rhombus, kite, parallelogram and trapezium;
Pupils will not be required in the test to measure or to draw angles
5 ● use co-ordinates to plot points and draw shapes in the first quadrant.
Pupils should have opportunities to:
1 ● use data drawn from a range of meaningful situations;
2 ● represent and interpret discrete numerical data, using graphs, tables and diagrams, including Venn, Decision Tree and Carroll diagrams, pictograms, block graphs, bar charts, bar-line graphs and line graphs with the axis starting at zero and with given intervals;
3 ● interpret tables and lists used in everyday life, for example, those found in a catalogue or
road safety accident report;
● interpret a wide range of graphs and diagrams;
● create and interpret frequency tables, including those for grouped discrete data;
● use tallying methods, including the 5-bar gate.
Questions will not be set relating to the use of computer packages to produce graphical representations of data.
Maths Topics NOT being Tested
- percentages;
- triangular numbers;
- the use of a letter to stand for an unknown number;
- the interpretation of a calculator display in relation to money;
- multiplication beyond a 3-digit number multiplied by a 2-digit number;
- division beyond a 3-digit number divided by a single digit.
- negative numbers;
- calculating the area of a non-right-angled triangle;
- the continuous nature of measurement & the need for appropriate accuracy;
- the use of scale in simple maps and diagrams;
- calculations related to timetables involving the 24-hour clock.
- reflecting a shape in a diagonal line;
- tessellations;
- name and describe circles, pentagons, hexagons and octagons.
- pie charts;
- mean and range;
- probability and likelihood.
- Poem 1 followed by 7 reading/comprehension/literacy content questions;
- Passage 1 – a basic skills passage (lines numbered on the right) followed by 5 spelling, punctuation and grammar questions;
- Poem 2 followed by 7 reading/comprehension/literacy content questions;
- Passage 2 – a prose passage followed by 7 reading/comprehension/literacy content questions.
Literacy Content
- Spelling – use a variety of skills to spell words correctly by identifying commonly misspelt words or misuse of homophones.
- Punctuation – correct use of the following punctuation only: full stops, commas (lists and speech punctation), question marks, exclamation marks, apostrophes (contraction or singular/plural possession) and quotation/speech marks.
- Alphabetical Order – arrange words in alphabetical order.
- Rhymes – identify words in a poem which rhyme.
- Adjectives – identify an adjective in a sentence.
- Adverbs – identify an adverb in a sentence.
- Capital Letters – identify when capital letters should be used.
- Nouns – identify a noun in a sentence.
- Opposites – identify the opposite of a given word.
- Singular & Plural Nouns – identify the singular/plural form of a given noun.
- Tenses – identify present tense, past tense and participles of verbs, for example, swim (present tense), swam (past tense), swum (past participle), swimming (present participle).
- Verbs – identify a verb in a sentence.
The following aspects of language will also be assessed in CEA papers. When questions are set on these aspects of language, their meaning will be defined and an example provided, if appropriate.
- Alliteration – identify an example of alliteration in a sentence.
- Antonyms – identify the antonym of a given word.
- Comparing adjectives – form comparative and superlative adjectives to compare two or more nouns, for example, tall, taller, tallest; beautiful, more/most beautiful.
- Compound words – form a compound word from two smaller words.
- Homophones – identify the correct homophone in a sentence.
- Prefixes – add a prefix to a given word to make a new word.
- Proper adjective/noun – form a proper adjective/noun from a given word, for example, Russia/Russian; Chinese/China.
- Similes – identify an example of a simile in a sentence.
- Suffixes – add a suffix to a given word to make a new word.
- Synonyms – identify the synonym of a given word.
More about The Transfer Tutor (Multi-Award Winning App)

The Transfer Tutor’s Online Quizzes provide a fun and interactive way to learn and practise Maths and English questions which are directly aligned to both the AQE and GL specifications.
All quizzes are broken down into manageable topics and there are many, great features including (but not limited to):
- Mobile friendly and works on any internet device.
- In many questions, there will be a ‘Hint’ option that offers the child details on the ‘rule’ or aids them to complete it correctly which helps their future application and confidence.
- The Leaderboard at the end makes the child feel like they’re playing a game and having friendly competition.
- Good use of colour and graphics which makes it exciting.
- Parents receives a progress email at the end to let them know how their child did.
Simply choose the licence you need depending on the length of time you need access, click on the blue box, pay and then you’ll be off within minutes.
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